Posted Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Avengers #1 Launch Party
Wednesday, December 5th, All Day
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street
Free to attend
Continuing with Marvel's "Launch Parties for their relaunched books", December 5th will see the release of Avengers #1, by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena.
As part of the day-long celebration, The Beguiling will be offering all of the treats and goodies that go along with this launch, like the exclusive "Deadpool Gangam Style" variant, and Skottie Young Lithographs. We'll also be offering day-of specials on all of the variants on the first issues, so it'll probably be worth coming by, day-of, if you're a fan of that sort of thing.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

All New X-Men #1 Launch Party
Wednesday November 14th, 11am-9pm
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street
Free to attend
"It's a blast from the past as the original five students of Professor X are brought to the present! What they find is far from the future they dreamed of..."
All-New X-Men #1 is written by Brian Bendis and drawn by Stuart Immonen, and will be arriving at The Beguiling on November 14th. As part of the festivities, The Beguiling is participating in an all-day Launch Party. Customers will have access to a number of cool things, like the "Unimpressed Deadpool Variant", and free coasters and lithographs with purchase of All-New X-Men #1!
In addition, we'll be having special Wednesday-only sales on the All-New X-Men #1 variants, if that's your thing. We might even do some sort of baked goods--we're crazy like that.
See you on the 14th.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

The Metabarons: Ultimate Collection
Story: Alexandro Jodorowsky
Art: Juan Giménez
Publisher: Humanoids
Reviewed by John Anderson
"What keeps me going back to THE METABARONS is the immense volume and speed of its innovation. There is literally a new and mad idea on every page."
Warren Ellis wrote that, and I don't know if I can put it any better. The Metabarons is completely mad. I know I say that a lot about Jodorowsky, but it's The Metabarons, more than any other book, where he shows off his talent for crazy ideas and surprising twists to best effect. After a newborn baby is decapitated, his parents give him a cybernetic head. The fate of two galaxies will be decided by a single combat - father against son. Every chapter has a new surprise, a new twist, a new way to raise the stakes. The Metabarons: Ultimate Collection is a new, regular-sized hardcover collecting the first cycle in the saga (in other words, it includes everything except Weapons of the Metabaron).
The Metabarons is a science fiction multi-generational saga about a family of warriors that lives by a strict code of honour. The story covers five generations, from the beginning of the clan to the latest Metabaron, who you’ve met if you’ve read The Incal. The narrative is framed as a story being told by the latest Metabaron’s two servant robots, Tonto and Lothar. What makes this so engaging is that Lothar is not a good listener, and is often interrupting for clarification, or simply because he doesn't believe the story. Occasionally he will fry a diode trying to figure out what will happen next. Tonto doesn't have a lot of patience, and is always chiding Lothar for his stupid questions. For two supposedly emotionless robots they are extremely entertaining. These two little robots hold the book together and are two of the best characters Jodorowsky has created.
The other characters, the Metabarons and their lovers, are mythic, larger than life heroes. Characters like Aghora, whose body is female and whose brain is male, and who manages, impossibly, to impregnate herself, and who gives birth during battle. Honorata, a Shabda-Oud witch and lover of the first Metabaron, who instigates a crazy decades-long plan to continue the caste. And Steelhead, the warrior with the cybernetic head, who decides he needs to learn about love, and who searches out the last poet - who exists only as a head. So of course they join together, the head of the poet on the body of the warrior. But it isn't long before this union produces tragic results.
All this is made even better by Giménez’s intense, realistic art. His characters are always in the throes of an intense emotion. From the agony of a son killing his father, to mindbending extradimensional space battles, his art is always as spectacular as it can be, and his effort shows in every panel.
Superhero fans take note: this edition has an introduction by Matt Fraction. This is appropriate, since The Metabarons might be the closest thing Europe has to a superhero comic. Grant Morrison talked about superhero stories "where the world is threatened every five minutes and godlike beings clash in the skies like fireworks". He wasn't talking about The Metabarons, but this quote sums up The Metabarons perfectly. It's an intense roller-coaster ride through the moments of tragedy and victory (but mostly tragedy) of these driven, intensely passionate, sometimes insane, larger-than-life superheroes.
The Metabarons: The Ultimate Collection will be in-store on Wednesday, October 31st.

Posted Monday, October 29, 2012
Just in time for Hallowe'en, or perhaps the next major shopping holiday, we've restocked on all available Diesel Sweeties Pixel Socks! These are amazing socks, 75% Cotton, 20% Polyester, 5% Spandex, for maximum breathability, comfort, and fit. They are also 100% amazing, so there's that. All socks are $7.50 each. Shown above are the available men's socks.
Men's Socks: Pixel Heart, Pixel D20, Pixel Clouds, Huge Red Robot, Pixel Red Robot, Pixel Owl.
Women's Knee Socks: Pixel Squid, Pixel Red Robot, Pixel Skull, Pixel D20, Pixel Heart, Pixel Owl, Huge Red Robot.
All socks are in-stock at The Beguiling and at right now!
- Chris @ The Beguiling

The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday October 31st, 2012. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but in any dispute between web price and in-store price we will defer to in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:

Happy Birthday to us! June 2012 marked the start of our 25th Anniversary, the founding of the alt-culture comix shop on Harbord Street that has blossomed into the overstuffed comics shoppe on Markham Street, beloved and/or grudgingly respected the world over.
To celebrate we wanted to do something a little special, and so we asked Dustin Harbin, talented up-and-comer and Canada-aficionado, to create a logo celebrating 25 great years. The results are up top there, and we think he did a stupendous job.
We'll be using this logo on the rest of our fall/winter events, and right through the spring. Because what's the point of being around for 25 years if you can't enjoy every single day of that 25th, right?
Thanks to everyone who's made the store a success over the ears, especially our customers: you have excellent taste.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Friday, October 26, 2012
Flex Mentallo
Words: Grant Morrison
Art: Frank Quitely
Publisher: Vertigo
Deluxe Hardcover, $22.99, Available Now
The secret origin of Flex Mentallo was revealed in Doom Patrol #42 when a skinny geek was transformed into a Golden Age body-builder by using the power of muscle mystery. Flex was selfless, naive, and pure - anything could be overcome simply by flexing his muscles.
The cover of the first issue of the Flex Mentallo mini-series, three years after Morrison’s Doom Patrol ended, featured Flex reaching out toward to reader, commanding them “YOU! BUY THIS COMIC NOW OR THE EARTH IS DOOMED!” This was not the Mentallo of Doom Patrol. It was something much weirder and much more wonderful. Flex Mentallo is the entirety of The Invisibles condensed into four issues. It's more than just a comic book; it's a fantastic book about comic books. It’s an attempt to make first contact with this absurd and magical thing we call superhero comics.
As Flex tries to track down his missing teammate The Fact, he travels from the Golden Age to the Modern Age, discovers the seedy underside of superheroes where rejected sidekicks roam the back streets like droogs, and where adult superheroes go to indulge their super fantasies, and at the end he discovers the secret origin of everything. He is helped by the hard-boiled police lieutenant who doesn't believe in superheroes any more, and my favourite character, a supervillain called the Hoaxer. The Hoaxer sports one of those silly but somehow archetypal question mark logos, and his greatest hoax just might be reality itself.
Mentallo’s story is being told by a dying musician in an alley - Wallace Sage, a version of Grant Morrison from an alternate Earth where he remained a musician instead of becoming a comic book superstar. Sage created Mentallo when he was a kid. Sage’s altered-state rants about comics coincide with the adventure Flex is going through. Sometimes Sage is telling Flex’s story, and sometimes their narratives are happening in the same world.
And then there are the superheroes themselves, like Lord Limbo and G-Whiz, Nanoman and Minimiss, larger than life archetypal ideals who have formed the mighty Legion of Legions. But the polyverse is being threatened by the ultimate destroyer called the Absolute. The Legion of Legions has a last-minute solution: to make themselves fictional in a new kind of reality. And when superheroes make themselves fictional, where do they go? That’s right - they go into comics. Our comic books are attempts to remember and transcribe the reality of the gods.
This book is a trip from beginning to end. The detail in Quitely’s art is incredible. His full-page panels of hordes of caped figures swooping out of the sky give me shivers. There's an eerie sequence of superbeings floating through space toward a terrified astronaut. There’s a sequence where the Legion of Legions appears to have set up headquarters inside someone’s brain. On every page he draws something either completely impossible or so intricately detailed he must have spent days on it. The story and art work together so that, fractal-like, new details are revealed on each rereading.
Flex Mentallo is one of Morrison’s best works and one of the best comic books ever. But what do I know - I love superheroes.

Posted Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Last Friday the folks from webcomics portal ShiftyLook did a live webcast from the second floor of the store! Special guests from ShiftyLook and UDON abound, and you can watch the whole thing here or at YouTube if you missed it at the time, or if you weren't in store. Look for cameos by customers and employees throughout ;)
Thanks to the ShiftyLook team for thinking of us and for stopping by!
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Newly available in the artstore, it's a baker's dozen new pieces from Bryan Lee O'Malley, from the bestselling (and awesome) graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim!
Brand new pages are available from volumes 1-4, including some very special promotional artwork! These pages join even more Scott Pilgrim artwork, as well as illustrations, poster art, and pages from O'Malley's Lost At Sea!
Check all of these pages (and more!) out at
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Cary Nord In-Store Signing!
The Artist of X-O Manowar and Conan!
Wednesday, December 5th, 2012, 6pm-8pm
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street
Please join The Beguiling in welcoming Cary Nord, artist of many volumes of Conan and the artists of the current ongoing X-O Manowar series from Valiant, at his first signing here.
Cary Nord will be at The Beguiling in celebration of X-O MANOWAR VOLUME 1: BY THE SWORD, which will be released on that day. In addition, The Beguiling will have lots of copies of his previous issues, his work on Conan, and much more available for sale at the signing.
Cary has just moved back to Toronto, so we hope Toronto fans will come out and give him a warm welcome.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Monday, October 22, 2012
The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday October 24th, 2012. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but in any dispute between web price and in-store price we will defer to in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:

Posted Thursday, October 18, 2012
We're always excited when Jeffrey Brown sends us brand new art, and this exceptional batch of originals is no exception! Now available from Jeffrey Brown in the art-store are pages from his illustrations for Alan Goldsher's novel PAUL IS UNDEAD, Jeffrey's work for Threadless' COMICS ON TEES, and even some short personal work! Check it out at
This new work from Brown joins the pieces that he sent us nearer the beginning of the year (which have almost sold out completely) , including his awesome Old Timey Hockey Tales pieces. Jeffrey's got a huge selection of amazing originals, some at very affordable price points. We hope you'll check them out!

Posted Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Hey-yo! The much-anticipated, grumpy-making anthology book SECRET PRISON #7: THE GARO TRIBUTE ISSUE has just arrived in our store!
You kinda need to see it to believe it, as it's a huge 10" x 13" book, running 172 black and white pages and weighing in at $15. It's got comics by great folks like Ryan Cecil Smith, Angie Wang, Chuck Forsman, and a dozen more peeps.
Also from Retrofit, we just got Brandon Leach's NEW SLUDGE CITY, which is $5. Both books are available on both floors.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

The Beguiling and The Toronto Comic Arts Festival are proud to partner with the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival to present the Canadian Premiere screening of TATSUMI on Friday, November 9th, at 11:00pm. Tickets are now available at
Directed by Eric Khoo, TATSUMI is the innovative exploration of the life of comic author Yoshihiro Tatsumi, creator of Gekiga ("serious pictures" as opposed to Manga, which means "funny pictures"). Adapting his most renown period short stories, set in the time period following World War II, and incorporating elements of Tatsumi's own life from the memoir Drifting Life, TATSUMI is a fascinating, uniquely animated and performed film that has drawn ravesat Cannes, Dubai, Rotterdam, and around the world.
The Beguiling and TCAF are very proud to be partnering with Reel Asian for this screening, and we feel it likely that the screening will sell out, so please make sure to get your tickets early.
All of Yoshihiro Tatsumi's graphic novels, including The Push Man, Abandon The Old In Tokyo, Good-Bye, Drifting Life, and Fallen Words are currently available for sale at The Beguiling.
Check out the trailer for TATSUMI below!
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The Beguiling is very proud to announce that we've just added nearly the complete issue of Farel Dalrymple's artwork for PROPHET #24 from Image Comics to the artstore. You can find the pages for sale at
Prophet is, believe it or not, a Rob Liefeld creation that has been dramatically reinterpreted by Brandon Graham as a 70s sci-fi infused epic, and it's one of our favourites on the second floor right now. A rotating team of artists have been bringing the story to life, and Farel's issue #24 is pretty spectacular.
Check out all of the available pages from Prophet, as well as Farel's work on Omega The Unknown (with Jonathan Lethem), Dr Horrible, Pop Gun War, Project Superior, and much more!
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Hey BLACKSAD fans! Fresh from his rare North American appearance at New York Comic Con this past weekend, we've got a limited number of brand new sketchbooks from Juanjo Guardino! Guardino is the artist behind the popular, beautifully drawn BLACKSAD series, and this sketchbook is chock full of process work.
The best part? They're SIGNED too! A small stack of them are on the New wall on the first floor for thirty dollars. Pray, do not tarry sir.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Maybe you're a fan of art, and therefore love the work of Eduardo Risso? Best known for his illustrations on 100 BULLETS, SPACEMAN, and VAMPIRE BOY amongst many more. Maybe you want a very hard to get black and white artbook by Risso, with sketches, process work, finished pieces, and much more from across his career?
BLACK AND WHITE: THE CREATIVE PROCESS OF EDUARDO RISSO is a tri-lingual book offering you just that. Thirty dollars, located on the New Wall on the first floor.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Monday, October 15, 2012
(Tour poster collab by DeForge and Kyle)
Feat. Michael DeForge, Patrick Kyle, Zach Worton
Official Afterparty for Canzine 2012
Sunday, October 21st, 8:00pm (Doors @ 7:30)
@ Lee's Palace (Dance Cave), 529 Bloor St. W.
19+, $5 or free with book purchase.
Are you ready for what's probably gonna be the most fun book launch of the year? There'll be books and drinks and good music and a whole day of indy press publishing. Check this out.
1. Three of our fav local cartoonists are launching new books! Come check out LOSE #4 by Michael DeForge, BLACK MASS by Patrick Kyle, and NOW YOU DIE by Zach Worton.
2. Each of these dudes will be doing a presentation from these books at at The Dance Cave, upstairs at Lee's Palace! It's got music and drinks and capacity so bring your friends!
3. October 21st is CANZINE, and it's running just up the street at 918 Bathurst from 1pm to 7pm! You should all attend CANZINE and then come to this event at 8pm, because This Event Is The Official CANZINE After Party! All CANZINE exhibitors get in for free! For everyone else, it's $5, and that gets you a coupon good for $5 off any of the launch-books!
All of Toronto's comics and publishing community is invited our for what's going to be the best time you could hope for on a Sunday night.
Presented by The Beguiling, with thanks to Broken Pencil/Canzine and Koyama Press.
For more info about Canzine, check out
- Chris @ The Beguiling

The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday October 17th, 2012. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but in any dispute between web price and in-store price we will defer to in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:

Posted Tuesday, October 09, 2012
The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday October 10th, 2012. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but in any dispute between web price and in-store price we will defer to in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:
Hey Uncanny Avengers fans! Unfortunately about half of our regular covers on Uncanny Avengers #1 came in damaged. We've still got a bunch (we ordered pretty heavily), but since this is going to be such a big book this week we've decided to make some of the rarer variants which would normally be $6 or more, cover price to ensure that we don't run out.
Uncanny Avengers #1 Avengers Var Now 3.99
Uncanny Avengers #1 Blank Var Now 3.99
Uncanny Avengers #1 Now 3.99
Uncanny Avengers #1 Pichelli Var Now 3.99
Uncanny Avengers #1 Uncanny Var Now 3.99
Uncanny Avengers #1 Young Baby Var Now 3.99

Just arrived in the artstore, we have a small but fantastic selection of new pages from our very good friend Becky Cloonan. This sample includes pages from her recent work on Batman #12, Conan The Barbarian, and (just in time for Halloween) two lovely illustrations from Harper Collins' recent edition of Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Check them out, along with pages from her work on Demo and American Virgin:

The moment you've waited for is finally here, as Charles Burns' THE HIVE officially goes on sale today at The Beguiling!
Just a reminder that buying the book gets you a free ticket to our event with Charles Burns, Chris Ware, and Adrian Tomine on November 12th! Details at
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Thursday, October 04, 2012
The Rabbi's Cat (Le Chat du Rabbin)
Sunday, October 21st, 4pm (tea) 5pm (film)
@ Cineplex Odeon Sheppard Cinemas
4861 Yonge Street (Sheppard Subway)
$15 at the Door.
More info at:
RSVP on Facebook
Le Chat du Rabbin (The Rabbi's Cat), the beloved graphic novel of French comic artist Joann Sfar, has sold over 900,000 copies, and now makes it to the big screen in this whimsical and visually-stunning animated film. In pre-war Algiers, Rabbi Sfar lives a quiet life by the sea with his beautiful daughter Zlabya and her talking cat. Along with a Russian painter and a wise old Arab Sheikh, Sfar and the mischievous pet set out on a quest into the unknown depths of Africa. Using hand-drawn animation, Sfar and co-director Delesvaux recreate the multicultural community of 1920s Algiers in vivid and loving detail. This much-anticipated film adaptation makes its Toronto Premiere at this special screening, co-presented with The Beguiling and The Toronto Comic Arts Festival. TORONTO PREMIERE. France / Austria 2011, 100 min. French with English subtitles. Not suitable for young children.

Posted Tuesday, October 02, 2012 BUILDING STORIES
By Chris Ware
Various trim-sizes, 14 pieces.
Pantheon Book. $55.00
It's finally here! The long-awaited new book project from a comics creator who requires no introduction, Chris Ware.
Building Stories collects a decade's worth of work by Ware, including his contributions to The New Yorker, The New York Times and McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, as well as tons of never-seen-before material.
Look for it on the first floor along with copies of Ware's Multi-Story Building Model.
Also, don't forget that tickets are on sale for our November 12th Charles Burns, Adrian Tomine and Chris Ware event at the Bloor Cinema. Admission is $10 or free with the purchase of Building Stories (or Burn's The Hive or Tomine's New York Drawings).

Posted Monday, October 01, 2012
Debut their new graphic novels in Toronto
Monday, November 12th, 2012, @ 8:30pm
The Bloor Hot Docs Cinema, 506 Bloor Street West
Admission $10 or free with advance purchase of debuting book
www dot beguiling dot com

Sure to be the talk of the literary world this fall and winter, these three new releases blur the lines between ‘traditional’ graphic novels, illustration, and the publishing avant-garde!
- Charles Burns’ stunning follow-up to 2010’s bestselling X’ed Out is The Hive. It takes readers further into the recesses of the diseased world of X’ed Out, shattering the boundaries between comics and the people who read them.
- Adrian Tomine’s New York Drawings collects over a decade of the comics, illustrations, and covers produced by the artist for publishing institution The New Yorker, alongside a number of other rare and uncollected pieces in a lavish oversized hard cover.
- Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth has been hailed as a modern literary masterpiece, and Building Stories is Ware’s first and much-anticipated graphic novel length follow-up. Ware experiments further with form and medium: the story is a literal box. Beautifully presented as variously formatted and sized comics, graphic novels, newspapers and pamphlets, the ensemble creates a fascinating and compelling portrait of a seemingly ordinary young woman, and the building where she lives.
Admission to the 25th anniversary event is $10, but admissions tickets are free (while supplies last) with every advance purchase of any of the above new books at The Beguiling.

The Hive, by Charles Burns. October 9th. Hardcover, 56 pages, $25.95, Published by Pantheon, Distributed by Random House Canada.
Building Stories, by Chris Ware. October 2nd. Hardcover, 260 pages (box), $55.00, Published by Pantheon. Distributed by Random House Canada.
For review copies of The Hive or Building Stories, or for interview requests for Charles Burns or Chris Ware, please contact Sheila Kay, (416) 957-1570,
New York Drawings, by Adrian Tomine. Available now. Hardcover, 136 pages, $29.95, published by Drawn & Quarterly.
For review copies of New York Drawings or for interview requests for Adrian Tomine, please contact Peggy Burns, 514-279-2221x222,peggy@
The Beguiling is celebrating its 25th Anniversary as one of the world’s great comic book stores and a recipient of the Wil Eisner Spirit of Retailing award. Stocking the widest variety of comics, graphic novels, bédé, manga, and representing original art sales for more than 40 international comic book artists, The Beguiling is a treasure trove of everything you love about comics, and thousands of things you never knew existed. The Beguiling, along with its sister-store Little Island Comics (the first comic book store for kids in North America), The Beguiling hosts over 50 author events each year and is the presenting sponsor of The Toronto Comic Arts Festival.
For more information about The Beguiling, contact manager Christopher Butcher or owner Peter Birkemoe at 416-533-9168, or mail at beguiling dot com.

Posted Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Beguiling is proud to announce a wonderful and unique addition to our artstore--a complete story based on the very popular SERENITY (FIREFLY) television series and movie, courtesy of Fabio Moon.
Fabio Moon (and his brother Gabriel Ba) have been selling works through us for a number of years, including his art from his runs on Casanova, BPRD, and Joss Whedon's Sugar Shock. This if Moon's first foray into the Firefly universe, and it's a great little story.
Written by Zack Whedon (co-creator of Dr. Horrible and Firefly creator Joss Whedon's brother), Serenity: It's Never Easy is a 10-page short about Mal encountering some unexpected trouble during a routine restocking stop. It is the first Firefly story to be set after the events of the movie "Serenity," and over a hundred thousand copies of the story were given away this past May in Dark Horse's Star Wars/Serenity Free Comic Book Day 2012 comic.
The complete 10 page story is being sold for US$6000, and is available in The Beguiling's Artstore, at Other pages from Fabio Moon's and Gabriel Ba's diverse careers are also available at that address.
To see all 10 pages at a larger size, visit
For more information on Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba, please visit their website at
- Chris @ The Beguiling
The price originally listed in this posting was incorrect. The Beguiling sincerely regrets the error.

The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday October 3rd, 2012. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but in any dispute between web price and in-store price we will defer to in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:
The Beguiling Recommends:
AUG120217 Animal Man #13 2.99
- The first part of Jeff Lemire and Scott Snyder's ROTWORLD story, which both books have been building to since the beginning of the new 52.
AUG121178 Best American Comics HC 2012 25.00
- Always an interesting survey of the comics landscape. This edition is guest-edited by the always fabulous Francoise Mouly.
AUG121135 Broxo GN 16.99
- Great YA fantasy graphic novel.
MAY120729 Criminal Deluxe Edition HC Vol 02 49.99
- One of our favourite series gets a second hardcover, collecting the softcover volumes 4, 5, and 6. If you've never read Criminal, these hardcovers are basically perfect.
JUL121295 Drops Of God GN Vol 05 14.95
AUG120841 Fashion Beast #2 3.99
- You know there's a new monthly Alan Moore comic, right?
AUG121083 Moomin Complete Lars Jansson Comic Strip HC Vol 07 19.95
AUG121082 Moomin Turns Jungle TP 9.95
AUG121081 Moomin Winter Follies TP 9.95
- Moomin!
JUL121298 Paradise Kiss TP Vertical Inc Ed Vol 01 19.95
AUG121136 Sailor Twain GN 24.99
- Surprising, unique, haunting, and wonderfully told graphic novel. Historical fiction for grownups from Mark Siegel, very much in the vein of euro comix from the likes of Blutch (Isaac the Pirate) or Sfar (The Professor's Daughter).
AUG120496 Walking Dead Compendium TP Vol 02 59.99
- Who wants another thousand pages of The Walking Dead? Sure you do. Collecting trade paperbacks 9 through 16.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Friday, September 28, 2012 Hallowe'en's just over a month away, and already talk amongst our customers has turned to who's wearing what, who's going where, and especially what's being given away to celebrate the big day.
As last year, The Beguiling and Little Island Comics will be selling bundles of 20 comic books, appropriate for all ages, for just $5. These comics are specially printed for the occasion, and feature a mix of established kids properties and unique new stories.
We've got bundles that are all the same comic, as well as bundles of mixed comics, so come by either store and pick up a selection to hand out at your door for haloween this year. Every other house will be giving away candy, why not actually give away something cool?
Mini-Comics Bundles: 20 comics for $5
Publisher: Title
Antarctic: Zombie Kid Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Ape: Strawberry Shortcake Scouts Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Archaia: Cow Boy Hallows Eve Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Boom: Adventure Time Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Dark Horse: Axe Cop Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Fantagraphics: Spacehawk Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
IDW: Ghostbusters Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Archie: New Crusaders Rise Of Heroes Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Papercutz: Ernest & Rebecca Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Top Shelf: Tricky Treaters (Johnny Boo!) Mini Comic Bundle 2012 5.00
Mixed bundle of comics, 2 of each title. 5.00
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Tuesday, September 25, 2012
BEAUTY IS EMBARASSING, a film about Wayne White
One week engagement at The Bloor, starting Fri Sept 28.
You Can Win Tickets! Read on!
Trailer: over 30 years, acclaimed visual artist Wayne White has made an indelible mark on the creative world. A designer, painter, puppeteer, sculptor, and musician, Wayne White has contributed mightily to the pop culture lexicon. Best known as a designer, puppeteer, and voice-over actor on Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, White is also an accomplished visual artist and directed iconic music videos including Peter Gabriel’s “Big Time” and The Smashing Pumpkins “Tonight, Tonight.” (Fun fact: He’s also the husband of acclaimed alt-cartoonist Mimi Pond!)
Now there is a wonderfully creative and irreverent documentary, Beauty is Embarrassing, which chronicles his unique and occasionally troubled life. Featuring the best of 300+ hours of footage shot over 2 years by directory Neil Berkley, and tons of behind-the-scenes footage of the making of Pee Wee’s Playhouse shot by White, this is a rich and unique film which drew a lot of attention during this year’s screening at Hot Docs.
The film begins a one-week run at The Bloor, starting Friday September 28th, and we think you’ll probably dig it.
If you want a shot at winning one of two sets of tickets to the show, read on!
Please pay attention, this is a bit more complicated than regular contests, and it has a REALLY tight deadline!
We’ve got 2 pairs of tickets to give away, 1 for each of 2 screenings. You’ve got to enter separately for each screening (this is so people don’t win passes to something they can’t make it to).
SCREENING ONE: Friday, September 28, 6:30pm, Wayne White and Neil Berkley in attendance.
SCREENING TWO: Saturday, September 29, 9:45pm
Here’s how you enter:
ONE WINNER WILL BE SELECTED FOR EACH SCREENING at random, and will receive two tickets to see that screening of BEAUTY IS EMBARRASSING at The Bloor.
For a chance to win, send an e-mail with your name, daytime telephone number, and "SCREENING ONE" or “SCREENING TWO” in the subject line to before Thursday, September 27th, at 11am. Winners will be drawn and contacted from all valid entries at that time. Their first name may be announced on the website.
1. Subject line MUST contain entrant's name, phone number, and "SCREENING ONE" or “SCREENING TWO", and must be sent to
2. Entries must be made from an e-mail address subscribed to The Beguiling's mailing list. Signup on the front page of beguiling dot com. (Seriously, we check and we disqualify people not subscribed to the mailing list.)
3. Entries must be received before Monday, September 10th at 11am.
4. Employees and family members of The Beguiling are not eligible to win.
5. One entry per household/phone number.
6. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited, no cash value, odds of winning depend on total number of entries received, etc.
Good luck!

Posted Monday, September 24, 2012
Really I just wanted to post this because I love this piece of art that Britt Wilson put together, but yeah, go sign up for this comics class!
- Chris @ The Beguiling

The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday September 19th, 2012. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but in any dispute between web price and in-store price we will defer to in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:

Posted Friday, September 21, 2012 "Zanta: The Living Legend" Book Launch
with author Jason Kieffer
Thursday, October 18th, 7-9PM
@ The Central, 603 Markham Street
Do you know Zanta? Do you know the real Zanta? Jason Kieffer spent a lot of time with Zanta, writing the official comic-book biography of the Downtown Toronto fixture.
Toronto's equivalent of the Times Square Naked Cowboy gets his due in this new graphic novel, and Kieffer will be on hand reading from the project and participating in a Q&A with the audience afterwards.
Slightly more info at
See you there.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Thursday, September 20, 2012
Monday, November 12th, 2012, @ 8:30pm
The Bloor Hot Docs Cinema, 506 Bloor Street West
Admission $10 or free with purchase of debuting book at The Beguiling
Prepare to welcome three of the most respected graphic novel creators in the world, as Charles Burns (Black Hole), Adrian Tomine (Optic Nerve), and Chris Ware (Acme Novelty Library) visit Toronto this November to debut their stunning new works! These three contemporaries and friends will present all-new audio/visual presentations from these debuts, interacting with one another and the audience in the centerpiece fall event celebrating the 25th Anniversary of venerable comics and alternative culture shop The Beguiling.
These three new releases blur the lines between ‘traditional’ graphic novels, illustration, and the publishing avant-garde!
- Charles Burns’ stunning follow-up to 2010’s bestselling X’ed Out is The Hive, which takes readers further into the recesses of the diseased world of X’ed Out, shattering the boundaries between comics and the people who read them.
- Adrian Tomine’s New York Drawings collects over a decade of the comics, illustrations, and covers produced by the artist for publishing institution The New Yorker, alongside a number of other rare and uncollected pieces in a stunning oversized hard cover.
- Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth has been hailed as a modern literary masterpiece, and his first graphic novel length follow-up is Building Stories. A literal box of variously formatted and sized comics, graphic novels, newspapers and pamphlets, Building Stories is a fascinating and compelling portrait of a seemingly ordinary one young woman, and the building she lives in, beautifully presented.
All three of these spectacular arguments for the necessary survival of the printed word will be on sale at The Beguiling in advance of this event, with New York Drawings available now, Building Stories out October 2nd, and The Hive out October 9th. While admission to this event is $10, a free ticket can be procured by purchasing any of these books in advance at The Beguiling.
You will totally be mad at yourself for like, six months, minimum, if you miss this.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Geneviève Castrée has had to reschedule her visit to The Beguiling. We'll update you as soon as we know the new dates. Thanks!
Anouk Ricard in Toronto
For the release of her new work "Anna & Froga"
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 @ 7pm
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street
Free to attend
The Beguiling is proud to welcome the incredibly talented Anouk Ricard (Anna & Froga) to Toronto for the releases of her new graphic novel!
Anouk Ricard's Anna & Froga caused quite the splash as a Free Comic Book Day release from Drawn & Quarterly this year, as the amazing all-ages tale of a girl and her animal friends taking the mundane and making it extraordinary puzzled many adults but instantly delighted children. The Beguiling is delighted to announce that this French cartoonist will be making her way to Canada for her first ever North American tour, where she will be presenting from her work and discussing its creation for with an adult audience. It is quite likely that a children's event will be added to this date, to occur at Little Island, in the next week or so.
This amazing and singular cartooning talent should not be missed, so we hope you aren't too tired after a night of comics on the 12th to come back the next evening for a fantastic event!
- Chris @ The Beguiling

Posted Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Feat. Michael DeForge, Patrick Kyle, Zach Worton
Official Afterparty for Canzine 2012
Sunday, October 21st, 8:00pm (Doors @ 7:30)
@ Lee's Palace (Dance Cave), 529 Bloor St. W.
19+, $5 or free with book purchase.
Are you ready for what's probably gonna be the most fun book launch of the year? There'll be books and drinks and good music and a whole day of indy press publishing. Check this out.
1. Three of our fav local cartoonists are launching new books! Come check out LOSE #4 by Michael DeForge, BLACK MASS by Patrick Kyle, and NOW YOU DIE by Zach Worton.
2. Each of these dudes will be doing a presentation from these books at at The Dance Cave, upstairs at Lee's Palace! It's got music and drinks and capacity so bring your friends!
3. October 21st is CANZINE, and it's running just up the street at 918 Bathurst from 1pm to 7pm! You should all attend CANZINE and then come to this event at 8pm, because This Event Is The Official CANZINE After Party! All CANZINE exhibitors get in for free! For everyone else, it's $5, and that gets you a coupon good for $5 off any of the launch-books!
All of Toronto's comics and publishing community is invited our for what's going to be the best time you could hope for on a Sunday night.
Presented by The Beguiling, with thanks to Broken Pencil/Canzine and Koyama Press.

For more info about Canzine, check out
- Chris @ The Beguiling