Avengers #1 Launch Party December 5th
Posted Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Avengers #1 Launch Party
Wednesday, December 5th, All Day
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street
Free to attend

Continuing with Marvel's "Launch Parties for their relaunched books", December 5th will see the release of Avengers #1, by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome Opena.

As part of the day-long celebration, The Beguiling will be offering all of the treats and goodies that go along with this launch, like the exclusive "Deadpool Gangam Style" variant, and Skottie Young Lithographs. We'll also be offering day-of specials on all of the variants on the first issues, so it'll probably be worth coming by, day-of, if you're a fan of that sort of thing.

- Chris @ The Beguiling

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The Beguiling - 601 Markham Street - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - M6G 2L7
Phone: 416-533-9168 - Fax 416-533-7313 - mail@beguiling.com
Hours: Mon-Tue: 11-7, Wed: 11-9, Thu: 11-7, Fri: 11-9, Sat: 11-7, Sun: 12-6