Save the Date: Graphically Speaking at Keep Toronto Reading April 16
Posted Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Beguiling and The Toronto Comic Arts Festival will once-again be partnering with Toronto Public Library this April for KEEP TORONTO READING, the month-long celebration of the written word! Featuring dozens of author events across the 99 branches of the TPL, it's an amazing opportunity to meet and greet authors, editors, publishers and more.

We've been partnering with TPL since 2006 I think, to develop and provide graphic novel programming as part of the KTR experience, under the heading "Graphically Speaking!". Just for fun I thought I'd remind myself (and all of you) about our past programs:

2010 - Jeffrey Brown's Undeleted Scenes launch and discussion
2009 - Webcomics! Featuring Kate Beaton, Willow Dawson, Emily Horne, Brian McLachlan, Ryan North
2008 - Kazu Kibuishi's Amulet and Kean Soo's Jellaby
2007 - Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim
2006 - T.O. Comics Scene: Seth (Wimbledon Green), Chester Brown (Louis Riel), Matthew Blackett (M@B)

A pretty amazing array of comics talent, and our 2011 event will be no exception. We'll be bringing together Scott Chantler (Two Generals, Northwest Passage), Diana Tamblyn (Gerald Bull, The Frederick Banting Story), and Zach Worton (The Klondike) to talk about history, historical fiction, and biography in comics. A full description and more details are forthcoming, but we're excited and wanted to put out a little bit of a heads-up on this fantastic event.

Look for further details next month. Thanks, and we hope to see you there!

- Chris
(Landscape from Zach Worton's The Klondike, coming this spring.)

Sign up for The Beguiling Events Newlsetter!



The Beguiling - 601 Markham Street - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - M6G 2L7
Phone: 416-533-9168 - Fax 416-533-7313 -
Hours: Mon-Tue: 11-7, Wed: 11-9, Thu: 11-7, Fri: 11-9, Sat: 11-7, Sun: 12-6