Now In Stock: New Dinosaur Comics, Oglaf, Scenes from a Multiverse, ASP!
Posted Monday, November 21, 2011
Fortune has smiled upon us, and we now have 4 brand new graphic novels in stock collected some of the best and brightest comics being serialized on the internet today...! The fine folks at have 4 new books, and so WE have 4 new books, all for you!
Dinosaur Comics: Everybody knows failure is just success rounded down: The second full-colour collection of Ryan North's DINOSAUR COMICS is here, and it collects all of the comics from 2007 plus bonus material, hidden text, and much more! Weighing in at 256 pages and $20, it's sure to be a treat under many a Torontonian comics fan's tree this Christmas. Or maybe you want one for yourself? Also: We're holding a 'launch' party for this one too!
Oglaf Volume 1: This is great, a collection of seriously smutty fantasy/adventure comics! It's sexy and smutty and occasionally gross and hilarious, a must-own. Collects 199 full-colour strips, a ton of exclusive/bonus material. $20.
Scenes From A Multiverse Book 1: The new project from Goats creator Jon Rosenberg is a collection of single-page comics, each visiting a different dimension strangely familiar to our own. Like the best sci-fi it comments on all sorts of social issues today, and does so with great humour. 136 full colour pages, $19.
Amazing Super Powers: Catalog of Regret: The first ever AmazingSuperPowers book! 180+ strips from last two years of ASP, presented in full-colour with 14+ pages of bonus material. $19 for this lovely tome.
All books are available on the second floor of The Beguiling.
- Chris @ The Beguiling

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